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Thursday, June 21, 2007,8:47 PM
How elegant !! Tall chick long legs. And what is this dash of blue ? i don't know how colours are decided, looks like some one has smeared a little blue on the bird
These delicate creatures give me hope that still nothing seriously has gone wrong with this world, we have time, but it is fast running out.
This is what i see first, very dark, most of the time luck is not on my side. i don't know the name of this bird. Show me your face, please show me your face i beg and plead for god's sake please show me your FACE !
They fly away and go sit somewhere far, i keep following them. Its difficult in the wild, my mind on so many things, have to watch out for snakes, can't keep looking up all the time. Most of the time i am under a tree and i hear the sounds of hundreds of birds like an unruly class room without a teacher, but i don't spot a single bird. Where are you people ? Where are you hiding ?
Ahaa ! This is how you look ! Hellow ! Good morning ! Beautiful, just beautiful. Thank you.... thank you. i am filled with gratitude. Very early in the morning is the best time. Most of the time i am stunned when i see such colours and forget to take pictures.